Old Hickory Furniture Items
Old Hickory has 100's of rustic furnishings in many collections. If you prefer to search by item we have all our Old Hickory grouped by item so that you can search through all our hickory dining chairs, or hickory beds, etc. For over 100 years Old Hickory Furniture has been 100% Made in the USA!
Keep in mind that Old Hickory offers lines that often go into "retirement", inquire if you are looking for somehting that you can't find on our site. Or search by Old Hickory Furniture Collections, to see matching groupings of Old Hickory Furniture.
Keep in mind that Old Hickory offers lines that often go into "retirement", inquire if you are looking for somehting that you can't find on our site. Or search by Old Hickory Furniture Collections, to see matching groupings of Old Hickory Furniture.